Sample Schedule at Great Hearts Christos Gilbert

Below is a sample schedule of what the day in the life of a 3rd grader would look like at Great Hearts Christos.

7:50-8:05 Morning Prayer
8:05-8:35 Scripture
8:35-9:20 Spalding
9:20-10:00 History/Science
10:00-10:20 Recess
10:20-11:20 Singapore Math
11:20-11:50 Latin / Physical Education
11:50-12:10 Lunch
12:10-12:30 Recess Writing/Grammar Recess
12:30-12:45 Music Art Music Art
12:45-1:10 Literature
1:10-1:50 Writing/Grammar Writing/Grammar
1:50-2:20 Literature Literature
2:20-2:50 Lyceum Lyceum
2:50-3:05 Chess Chess

*schedule is subject to change